Sedimentology II: Biological and Chemical Processes in Lacustrine and Marine Systems
- You will understand chemistry and biology of the marine carbonate system
- You will be able to relate carbonate mineralogy with facies and environmental conditions
- You will be familiar with cool-water and warm-water carbonates
- You will see carbonate and organic-carbon rich sediments as part of the global carbon cycle
- You will be able to recognize links between climate and marine carbonate systems (e.g. acidification of oceans and reef growth)
- You will be able to use geological archives as source of information on global change
- You will have an overview of marine sedimentation through time
- carbonates,: chemistry, mineralogy, biology
- carbonate sedimentation from the shelf to the deep sea
- carbonate facies
- cool-water and warm-water carbonates
- organic-carbon and black shales
- C-cycle, carbonates, Corg : CO2 sources and sink
- Carbonates: their geochemical proxies for environmental change: stable isotopes, Mg/Ca, Sr
- marine sediments thorugh geological time
- carbonates and evaporites
- lacustrine carbonates
- economic aspects of limestone