
Enlarged view: CESM Simulation
Climate model in high resolution mode (Image: Oliver Stebler)

Climate and weather modeling activities at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IAC) covers a wide range of research areas.

Climate Physics Group

Prof. Reto Knutti

The focus of the research is on the simulation of scenarios for future climate change, the quantification of uncertainties in the climate response, and the development of methods to constrain important feedback processes in the climate system by comparing observations with model results. The group uses numerical models of different complexity. which rage from simple energy balance to three-dimensional coupled climate models that resolve the atmosphere, ocean, land, sea ice and their interactions.
Climate Physics research page

Atmospheric Physics Group

Prof. Ulrike Lohmann

The modelling aspects include the advancement of theories and parameterizations of clouds and aerosols in physical models of different complexity and different scales and their validation with in-situ and remote sensing data. Another focus is on the interaction between climate and the cryosphere with emphasis on the numerical modelling of glaciers in a changing climate.
Atmospheric Physics research page

Land-Climate Dynamics Group

Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

The group use several modelling tools, including regional and global climate models as well as land surface models to investigate interactions between land and climate, in particular by way of sensitivity experiments. Special areas of interests are extreme events (droughts, heat waves, heavy precipitation events), seasonal forecasting, and modifications with global warming.
Land-Climate Dynamics research page

Atmospheric Dynamics Group

Prof. Heini Wernli

The group uses prognostic simulations with numerical models of varying complexity, and a detailed observation and model-based investigation of stable water isotopes in atmosphere.
Atmospheric Dynamics research page

Atmospheric Predictability Group

Prof. Daniela Domeisen

The group uses a hierarchy of models ranging from simple diagnostic tools to evaluate steady-state wave propagation, idealized dynamical core models, atmosphere - only models, and coupled atmosphere - ocean - sea ice and prediction models. These models are used to evaluate dynamical processes in the atmosphere and ocean and their predictability. 
Atmospheric Predictability page

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