Atmospheric Predictability (Prof. Daniela Domeisen)

Professor Daniela Domeisen's group focuses on the dynamics and predictability of the atmosphere from local to global scales and from days to centuries, with a focus on global remote connections in the climate system, predictability on subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) timescales of weeks to months, and impact analysis. We investigate the meridional coupling between the tropics and the extratropics, zonal coupling between ocean basins, and vertical coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere. This is then translated into predictability generated from a range of long-lived atmospheric and atmosphere-ocean-land coupled phenomena. Predictability (or lack thereof) in turn allows us to indentify dynamical processes in the climate system, and to investigate potential improvements to dynamical prediction systems, impact models, and climate services.

Enlarged view: <i>Atmospheric predictability group, Jan 2022:</i>&nbsp;from left to right, top row:&nbsp; Wolfgang Wicker,&nbsp; Daniela Domeisen, Emmanuele Russo ; second row: Romain Pilon, Andries de Vries, Maria Pyrina; third row:&nbsp; Rachel Wu,&nbsp; Annie Chang,&nbsp; Zheng Wu; fourth row: Jake Casselman,&nbsp; Hilla Afargan-Gerstman, Priyanka Yadav.
Atmospheric predictability group at the group outing in Biel, June 2024


For publications please visit our Publications Page.


The ETH group and the University of Laussane group got together in Biel for a group day. 


Daniela Domeisen received the Dandelion Award 2023 for her outstanding commitment to promoting entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond. external page


Rachel Wu successfully defended her PhD thesis. 


Dominik Büeler joined as a new postdoctoral scientist.


A new interdisciplinary project called HEATaware has been funded. It is led by Daniela Domeisen and Michael Lehning (EPFL, SLF), and Maria Pyrina and Dominik Büeler are going work in this project as postdoctoral scientists. The project will investigate the skill of heatwave predictions for Switzerland several weeks ahead and the potential of such heatwave warnings as a basis for early-warning systems related to human health and alpine hazards.


Jake Casselman officially receives the title of Dr. sc. ETH Zürich.


Jake Casselman successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title "The Role of the Tropical Atlantic for the El Niño Southern Oscillation Teleconnection to the North Atlantic / European Region".


Wolfgang Wicker joined as a new Post-graduate.

Priyanka Yadav joined as a new Postdoctoral Scientist.

Maria Pyrina joined as a new Postdoctoral Scientist.

Shingirai Nangombe joined as a new Postdoctoral Scientist.

Annie Chang joined as new Doctoral Student.

Rachel Wu joined as a new Doctoral Student.

Hilla Gerstman Afargan obtained a external page Marie Curie Fellowship to study stratosphere-troposphere interaction under climate change. 

Zheng Wu joined as a new Postdoctoral Scientist.

Bernat Jiménez Esteve successfully defended his PhD on the ENSO teleconnections towards Europe.

Ole Wulff’s paper in external page Geophysical Research Letters was mentioned in the external page Editor’s highlights. This paper showed that summer heat waves are more predictable than average temperatures or cold spells over Europe. 

Daniela Domeisen received the ERC Starting external page Grant.

Alexander Wollert won a distinction at the external page SNSF Scientific Image competition with this video loop of the 2018 sudden stratospheric warming.



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