The measurement equipment consists of meteorological measurements, a weighing lysimeter, and runoff gauges. Depending on the variable the data series date back up to 1976. For further information please see section instrumentation.
Meteorological and hydrological data from the measurement site 'Büel'

Plots of today (actualized hourly) and of the last three days showing the most important parameters. The data are unchecked.
Long-term climatologies of selected variables and current situation.
Gauge 'Rietholz-Mosnang' - Data from the Federal Office for the Enviroment

external page Runoff plot of the last 7 days
external page Runoff plot of the last 40 days
external page Historic runoff data
Additional Information
external page Site
external page Detailed map of the catchment
Selected data available for download
The main data basis for the following publication is available for external page download:
Hirschi, M., Michel, D., Lehner, I., and Seneviratne, S. I. (2017): A site-level comparison of lysimeter and eddy covariance flux measurements of evapotranspiration. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1809-1825, doi:external page 10.5194/hess-21-1809-2017.
Monthly values for the 1976/1994-2007 time period is availble for external page download. These are the main data basis for the following publication:
Seneviratne, S.I., Lehner, I., Gurtz, J., Teuling, A.J., Lang, H., Moser, U., Grebner, D., Menzel, L., Schroff, K., Vitvar, T., Zappa, M. (2012): Swiss prealpine Rietholzbach research catchment and lysimeter: 32 year time series and 2003 drought event. Water Resour. Res., 48, W06526, doi:external page 10.1029/2011WR011749.