News and Media
(02.03.2020): Congratulations to Martha Vogel who was awarded the ETH medal for her PhD thesis!
(28.02.2020): Congratulations to Kathrin Wehrli for successfully defending her PhD thesis on "On the sensitivity of heat waves to physical drivers and climate change"!
(28.11.2019): Congratulations to Ryan Padron for successfully defending his PhD thesis on "Water availability in a warming world Insights across scales from observations and climate models"!
(20.11.2019): Prof. Sonia Seneviratne on "highly cited researchers" list for the 6th year in a row!
(27.09.2019): Energy Science Center welcomes Prof. Sonia Seneviratne as new member (link)
(12.08.2019): external page IPCC Special report on Climate Change and Land approved: Dr Edouard Davin from LandClim group was a lead author on the report (U-SYS news)
(18.03.2019): Congratulations to Heewon Moon for successfully defending her PhD thesis on "Precipitation and drought persistence in global climate models"!
(05.12.2018): Congratulations to Martha Vogel for successfully defending her PhD thesis on "Temperature extremes in a changing climate – Processes, emergent constraints and impacts"!
(27.11.2018): Seven "highly cited researchers" from D-USYS
(08.10.2018): New IPCC Report on 1.5°C global warming approved. Prof. Sonia Seneviratne was a lead author of the report.
(05.10.2018): Congratulations to Vincent Humphrey who was awarded the ETH medal for his PhD thesis!
(01.09.2018): Congratulations to Jakob Zscheischler for receiving an external page SNF Ambizione grant to start a research group at the University of Bern!
(23.04.2018): Prof. Sonia Seneviratne nominated as coordinating lead author on the IPCC 6th assessment report
(08.02.2018): Congratulations to Clemens Schwingshackl, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(04.10.2017): Congratulations to Vincent Humphrey, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(30.07.2017): Land-climate dynamics group featured in Arte television documentary
(21.04.2017): Congratulations to Mathias Hauser, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(17.01.2017): Congratulations to Wim Thiery for being part of the Forbes 30 under 30 Europe calls of 2017!
(16.9.2016): Congratulations to Quentin Lejeune, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(26.8.2016): Congratulations to Nadine Nicolai-Shaw, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
(09.12.2015): Congratulations to Jakob Zscheischler, who was awarded the external page Wladimir Peter Köppen Award for his excellent PhD thesis!
(07.12.2015): Congratulations to Stefanos Mystakidis, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(27.04.2015): Congratulations to Peter Greve, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
ETH annual report (12/2014): Our research highlighted in 2014 ETH annual report
(09/2014): Congratulations to Peter Greve who was awarded an external page Outstanding Student Poster Award from the European Geosciences Union
(31.01.2014): Congratulations to Benoit Guillod, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
ETH (30.01.2014): Prof. Sonia Seneviratne is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
GEWEX News (11/2013): external page GEWEX welcomes the new Co-Chairs of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group (SSG)
(05.08.2013): Prof. Sonia Seneviratne receives the James B. Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union (external page AGU web site; external page EOS announcement)
(07.05.2013): Congratulations to Rene Orth, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
ETH annual report (12/2012): Our research cited in the 2012 ETH annual report
ETH Life (07.12.2012): Neue Professoren an der ETH Zürich
ETH Life (07.12.2012): New professors at the ETH Zurich appointed
(23.11.2012): Congratulations to Ruth Lorenz, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
WCRP 4th reanalysis meeting (09.05.2012): external page Brigitte Mueller makes presentation as EGU young ambassador [external page EGU ambassadors]
(27.01.2012): Congratulations to Brigitte Mueller, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
IPCC SREX Summary for Policymakers (18.11.2011): external page Release of IPCC SREX Summary for Policymakers; external page Core writing team; external page Video
(02.11.2011): Congratulations to Heidi Mittelbach, who successfully defended her PhD thesis!
(12.10.2011): Congratulations to Paulo Oliveira who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
(18.09.2009): Congratulations to Eric Jäger, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
ETH News (29.08.2018) Drought increses CO2 concentration in the air
NZZ (15.07.2020) external page Die jüngste Hitzewelle in Sibirien wäre ohne den Klimawandel undenkbar gewesen
ETH News (30.06.2020) Climate change is altering terrestrial water availability
SRF (24.06.2020) external page Hitzewelle in Sibirien
Television Suisse Romande (RTS) (23.06.2020) external page Sonia Seneviratne, prof. climatologie EPFZ: "L'Arctique connaît un réchauffement 3x plus rapide qu'en moyenne globale"
European Commission (16.06.2020) external page Highlight on our European Research Council DROUGHT-HEAT project
Le Temps (02.06.2020) external page Aviation: Des objectifs climatiques plutôt que de simples paroles
Tagesanzeiger (28.05.2020) external page Gastkommentar: Griffige Klimaziele für die Luftfahrt statt Lippenbekenntnisse
NZZ (05.05.2020) external page Die Coronakrise spart mehr CO2 als je zuvor, der Klimaschutz profitiert trotzdem nicht
NZZ (18.04.2020) external page Messungen im Boden zeigen: Noch nie war es im April so trocken wie jetzt
Le Temps (24.03.2020) external page Sonia Seneviratne l'expertise au service du combat climatique
24 heures (29.01.2020) external page La chercheuse engagée excelle dans l'art du climat
ETH News (15.01.2020) Irrigation alleviates hot extremes
ETH News (13.01.2020) Prof. Sonia Seneviratne contributed to ETH workshop for newly elected Swiss parliamentarians
Le Temps (13.01.2020) external page Climate activists acquitted at process at which Prof. Sonia Seneviratne and Nobel-prize winner Jacques Dubochet provided testimonies
EOS (20.12.2019) external page Heat waves born of Earth and sky
SRF (26.11.2019) external page CO2 Ausstoss: Es gibt auch positive Entwicklungen
ETH News (09.04.2019): Simultaneous heatwaves caused by anthropogenic climate change
NZZ (27.10.2018): external page Trockenheit: Auch Dauerregen und Schnee bringen keine Erholung
Télévision Suisse Romande (RTS) (09.10.2018): external page En Suisse, la hausse des températures est plus importante que la moyenne mondiale\
Tagesanzeiger (09.10.2018) external page Ein halbes Grad mehr kann zu viel sein
ETH Zukunftsblog (08.10.2018): Major benefits - and in principle still achievable
ETH Zukunftsblog (08.10.2018): Bringt viel und ist grundsätzlich möglich
SRF 18.07.2018: external page Gemeinden rufen zum Wassersparen auf
Tagesanzeiger (11.06.2018) external page Die Erderwärmung ist unkorrigierbar
ETH News (21.01.2018): Reflective surfaces alleviate heatwaves
Arte (30.07.2017): Die Erfindung der Zukunft
NZZ (21.01.2016) external page Warum das Zwei-Grad-Ziel nicht überall gilt
ETH News (21.01.2016) How two degrees may turn into four
SRF (04.07.2015): external page Bald jeder zweite Sommer ein Rekordsommer?
Terre et Nature (04.06.2015): La climatologie est un domaine en plein essor
ETH News (05.03.2015): Wie Regen von der Bodenfeuchte abhängt; How rain is dependent on soil moisture
ETH annual report (12/2014): Our research highlighted in 2014 ETH annual report (full report)
Washington Post (15.09.2014): external page Climate change rule of thumb gets rained on
20 minutes (15.09.2014): external page Trockene Gebiete werden nicht immer trockener [German]
Nature Geoscience, News and Views (14.09.2014): external page Climate Change: Dichotomy of drought and deluge
ETH News (14.09.2014): Klimafolgen-Faustregel umgekrempelt; Rules of thumb turned upside down
Forbes (26.08.2014): external page Different recipes for cooking our planet
Huffington post (03.07.2014): external page No hiatus in high extremes in temperature
Spiegel (02.07.2014): external page Hitze-Jahr 1540: Wetterdaten enthüllen Europas größte Naturkatastrophe [German]
RTS Info (25.06.2014): external page Renoncer a labourer ferait baisser la temperature en cas de canicule
RTS CQFD (25.06.2014): external page Le labourage et le réchauffement climatique [French]
Spiegel (24.06.2014): external page Landwirtschaft: Unbeackerte Felder dämpfen Hitzewellen
Nature, News (23.06.2014): external page Unploughed fields take edge off heat waves
ETH Life (23.06.2014): Stroh-Albedo mildert Hitzeextreme; Straw albedo mitigates extreme heat
The Economist (08.03.2014): external page Global warming: Who pressed the pause button?
SRF2 Wissenschaftsmagazin (01.03.2014): external page Pause beim Klima [German]
Reuters (26.02.2014): external page Heat extremes increase despite global warming hiatus
Climate Central (26.02.2014): external page Climate change is increasing extreme heat globally
ETH News (30.01.2014): Vier ETH-Forschende ausgezeichnet; Four ETH researchers win award
RTS Telejournal 19h30 (03.10.2013): external page Changement climatique en Suisse [French]
RTS Mise au point (22.09.2013): external page Interview (Fonte des glaciers, GIEC) [French]
ETH annual report (12/2012): Our research highlighted in 2012 ETH annual report
ETH Life, 7.12.2012: Neue Professoren an der ETH Zürich; New professors at the ETH Zurich appointed
Science Magazine, News (14.11.2012): external page Recent drought trends not so cut and dried
The Telegraph (14.11.2012): external page Droughts steady since 1950s
Nature Geoscience, Research highlights (31.08.2012): external page Dry heat
NZZ (29.08.2012): external page Die Crux mit den Extremen
NZZ Online (10.08.2012): external page Permanente Dürre in den USA?
ETH Life (17.07.2012): Bodenfeuchte und Hitzetage global untersucht; Soil moisture and hot days examined globally
Schweizer Bauer (17.07.2012): external page Forschung: Längere Trockenheit sagt Hitzewellen voraus
Tages Anzeiger (16.07.2012): external page ETH-Forscherinnen können Hitzewellen voraussagen
Los Angeles Times (16.07.2012): external page Dry spells may predict heat waves
ScienceDaily (27.05.2012): external page More Summer Heatwaves Likely in Europe: Predictability of European Summer Heat from Spring and Winter Rainfall
ETH Klimablog (10.05.2012): IPCC Sonderbericht zu Änderungen in Klimaextremen (IPCC SREX in Kürze)
ETH Life (29.03.2012): IPCC-Sonderbericht zu Klimaextremen; IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events and Disasters
ETH Klimablog (29.03.2012): Rigorose Qualitätskontrollen beim neusten IPCC-Sonderbericht
SciDevNet (28.03.2012): external page IPCC predicts rise in extreme climate events
Aqua & Gas (03/2012): On ne peut pas définir la sécheresse indépendamment du milieu impacté
Environmental Health Perspectives (01.02.2012): external page Managing the Risks of Extreme Weather: IPCC Special Report
ETH Globe (12/2011): Ab drei Grad wird's kritisch - Trockenheit und Landwirtschaft
Le Temps (26.11.2011): Vivre au sec, mode d'emploi
ETH Connect (09/2011): Ein Frühwarnsystem für magere Jahre
NFP61 DROUGHT-CH (08.06.2011): Video on DROUGHT-CH project [external page French; external page English sub-titles; external page German sub-titles]
Le Temps (16.05.2011): Mieux prédire les grandes canicules
SF Einstein (05.05.2011): external page Ein Frühling wie Sommer
SNF Journal Horizonte/Horizons (03/2011): Wenn die Atmosphäre zum Backofen wird; Mieux prédire les canicules
NZZ (15.12.2010): Dürren bereiten den Boden für Hitzewellen
ETH Life (13.12.2010): Der Boden ist schuld; Soil responsible for heat waves
Nature Geoscience, News and Views (12.12.2010): external page Extreme heat rooted in dry soils
ETH Globe (11/2010): Vom Klimamodell zum Klimaservice
ETH Life (06.09.2010): Das Wald-Paradoxon bei Hitzewellen; The forest paradox during heatwaves
ETH Life (22.07.2010): Einfluss der Temperatur auf den «CO2-Atem»
Le Temps (22.07.2010): La Suisse doit adopter un système d'alertes sécheresse
3Sat (nano) (15.09.2009): external page Der Boden schützt uns bald nicht mehr vor Hitze. Die Schweiz durchzieht ihr Land mit Messstationen
ETH Life (22.08.2008): Der Bodenfeuchte auf den Grund gehen
SNF Journal Horizonte/Horizons (12/2008): Ein Klimaschlüssel liegt im Boden; Une clé du climat se cache dans le sol