AGU hub
This year's AGU hub will take place from Wednesday 11 to Friday 13 December. external page Click here to register for the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Planet C game requires pre-registration - external page click here to register!

Wednesday 11.00-12.30:
Recycled poster session woth contributions from D-USYS scientists
Wednesday 14.00-15.30:
Crowd-solving session: Elevator pitches of typical geoscience challenges with discussion among attendeees to find possible solutions
Wednesday 16.00-17.30:
Planet C game (external page an immersive game workshop designed to make you rethink your beliefs and empower you as an Architect of Change.
Thursday 09.00-10.30
A11E/A12E: Heat Waves Behind the Scenes: Drivers, Mechanisms, Changes, and Impacts
IN14A/23D: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Advancing Earth System Modeling, Data Storage, and Processing
H23S: Forest Evapotranspiration and Ecohydrology Under a Changing Environment: Processes and Quantifications
Thursday 11.00-12.30
A13J/A14D: Bridging the Gap from Climate to Extreme Weather: Observations, Theory, and Modeling
GC12D: Net Zero Emissions Energy Systems: Geophysical Constraints, Consequences, and Opportunities
H11A/H12A: Advancements in Remote Sensing, Hydrologic Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Machine Learning for Terrestrial Water Cycle
Thursday 14.00-15.30:
Weather Discussion: Learn how to interpret weather maps and what we can expect from the weather in the next few weeks!
B14D: The Global Carbon Cycle and Its Feedbacks with Anthropogenic Change
OS11B/OS12A: Biogeochemical Processes in the Coastal Ocean
Thursday 16.00-17.30:
A21L: Jacob Bjerknes Lecture
B23I/B24A: Consequences of Drought and Heat Stress for Terrestrial Vegetation: From Physiology to Global Feedbacks
GC23J/24E: Climate Downscaling and Weather Postprocessing: Development, Evaluation, and Applications
OS11A/OS13F/OS21A: Atlantic Climate Variability and Change: Mechanisms, Predictability, and Impacts
Friday 09.00-10.30:
A14G/A23M/A24B: Atmospheric Convection: Processes, Dynamics, and Links to Weather and Climate
OS21B: El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Pantropical Climate Interactions: Mechanisms, Predictability, Impacts, and Projections
IN14B: Emerging Technologies for Earth Science Data Access and Visualization
GC21C/22A: Deep Learning for Climate and Weather
Friday 11.00-12.30:
NH23G: Climate-Informed Risk Assessment for Extreme Events
IBP seminar (in person): 1.5°C & degrowth: Time for a new pathway to sustainability?
Friday 12.30-14.00:
Young researcher's lunch, AGU special
Friday 14.00-15.30:
GC11D/12C/13X: Implications of Climate Change for Global Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation
B21A/B22A: Advances in Measurements, Synthesis, Analysis, and Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Natural Ecosystems
OS23G: Improved Observing and Modeling Systems for Understanding of Tropical Cyclones and Winter Storms and Their Impacts in the Coastal Zone
A14E: Explaining and Predicting Midlatitude Weather, Climate, and Ocean Variability and Change Through Air-Sea Interactions and Teleconnections
Friday 16.00-17.30:
H21A/H22A: Advances in Quantifying Impacts and Extents of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Hydrology and Climate Change
B32C: Soils in the Anthropocene as a Solution to Climate Change? Insights from Empirical, Modeling, and Big Data Studies
GC22B: High-Resolution Regional Earth System Modeling: Hydroclimate Variability, Extremes, and Policy Implications
GC11B/12A: Changing Heat Waves in a Warming World: Mechanisms, Predictability, Interconnectedness, and Impacts on Society and Environment