Travel Transformation Task Force

Current members of the IAC Travel Transformation Taskforce. From the top left: Donghe Zhu, Francesco Giardina, Heini Wernli, Felix Jäger. In front: Pauline Seubert, Yann Yasser Haddad, Luna Bloin-Wibe. Not present: Stefanie Börsig, Svenja Seeber.
The IAC Travel Transformation Task Force was created in 2023, to help the institute rethink mobility in academia through a sustainable lens. It is currently lead by Luna Bloin-Wibe, a PhD student at IAC.
So far, it has organized the AGU hub, where scientists at IAC collectively attended the American Geosciences Union conference virtually. In addition, several in-person events, like poster sessions and debates, were organized at ETH. For more details about the hub, see this ETH internal news article and this external page AGU Eos article.
Other work by the task force includes collaborations with ETH Sustainability, in particular on their Air Travel project, and the analysis of the institutes CO2 emissions through air travel.