Data Analysis

Enlarged view: Clouds and blocked flow
Clouds from satellite image and blocked flow based on a numerical weather prediction model (Image: Nicolas Piaget)

Analysis of large atmospheric and hydrological data sets is an ongoing challenge in our research field.

Climate Physics Group

Prof. Reto Knutti

Big data sets of numerous global and regional climate models are used to study the changes in the global climate system caused by the growing emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
Climate Physics research page

Atmospheric Physics Group

Prof. Ulrike Lohmann

Two-dimensional images of single cloud particles are algorithmically detected by analysing large amount of image data.
Atmospheric Physics research page

High-Resolution Weather and Climate Modeling Group

Prof. Andreas Prein

The High-Resolution Weather and Climate Modeling groupfocuses on enhancing our understanding of local and regional-scale processes in the weather and climate system, their representation in weather and climate models, and their role in extreme events.
High-Res weather and climate modeling

Land-Climate Dynamics Group

Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

The group focus on the analysis of processes at the land-atmosphere interface, based on existing data (ground observations, satellite observations, observation-based datasets, model data) - in particular processes controlling soil moisture and land processes in general (droughts, vegetation, snow cover, ecosystem exchanges, land water and energy cycles) as well as land-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks.
Land-Climate Dynamics research page

Atmospheric Dynamics Group

Prof. Heini Wernli

Operational and reanalysis data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are extensively used to analyse weather events and compile feature climatologies, like extratropical cyclones. Additionally, high-resolution numerical weather prediction data is  provided by the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) to refine the weather analysis, for example over complex topography.
Atmospheric Dynamics research page

Atmospheric Predictability Group

Prof. Daniela Domeisen

The group makes extensive use of reanalysis data from a range of centers, including the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), NASA, and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), especially for high-altitude atmospheric variables in order to assess the dynamics and the impact on the surface. In addition, output from weather and climate prediction models is used, e.g. for forecasts on sub-seasonal (e.g. S2S database), seasonal (e.g. CHFP database) and climate time scales (e.g. CMIP5 database), in particular the MPI-ESM and ECMWF models.
Atmospheric Predictability page

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