Former Members
This page lists former PhD students and scientific staff of the Climate and Water Cycle group. If you are a former group member and would like us to change your entry, please contact Rahel Buri
- Urs Aebischer, now at external page DISEO Inc.
- external page Bodo Ahrens, former Senior Scientist, now Professor at Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- external page Nikolina Ban, former PhD, Postdoc and Senior Scientist, now Professor at University of Innsbruck, AT
- Blanka Bartok, former Postdoc, now at the Hungarian Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Babeș-Bolyai University
- Omar Bellprat, former PhD student and PostDoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Adeline Bichet, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page AGORI
- external page Steven Böing, now at the University of Leeds, UK
- external page Thomas Bosshard, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrköpping, Sweden
- Peter Brockhaus, former PhD Student, now at external page Swiss Re, Switzerland
- Roman Brogli, former PhD and Postdoc, now SRF Meteo, CH
- Christophe Charpilloz, former IT Specialist, now at University of Geneva
- Marc Chiacchio, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page Courtly Tours
- Alexander Cress, former PostDoc, now at external page German Weather Service (DWD)
- Tanja Dallafior, former PhD Student and Postdoc, now at external page CelsiusPro
- Tracy Ewen, former Senior Scientist, now at ITEE ETHZ
- Matthias Göbel, now at Geosphere Austria
- Erich Fischer, former PhD and Postdoc, now Senior Scientist at ETH Zürich
- Christoph Frei, former PostDoc and Senior Scientist, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Oliver Fuhrer, former PhD Student, now Senior Scientist at external page MeteoSwiss
- Sophie Fukutome, former PhD Student, now senior scientist at external page MeteoSwiss
- Achim Gurtz, former Senior Scientist, retired
- Maria Z. Hakuba, former PhD Student, now at external page JPL Pasadena
- external page Hanieh Hassanzadeh, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at Northeastern University, MA, USA
- Pamela Heck, former PhD Student, now at Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU)
- Laureline Hentgen, former PhD and Postdoc, now at SBB
- external page Cathy Hohenegger, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg
- Adel Imamovic, former PhD and Postdoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Martin Ivanov, former PostDoc, now at external page GreenPocket GmbH
- Karsten Jasper, now at Federal Office for the Environment (external page BAFU)
- Simon Jaun, former PhD student
- Eric Jäger, former PhD student, now at Google
- Michael Keller, former PhD Student and PostDoc
- external page Jan Kleinn, former PhD student and PostDoc, now at WSL / SLF
- external page Natascha Kljun, former PostDoc, now Professor at Lund University, SE
- Sven Kotlarski, former Senior Scientist, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Nico Kröner, former PhD Studet and PostDoc, now at external page South Pole Group
- external page Wolfgang Langhans, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at Earth Science Division, Berkeley, USA
- external page Knut Makowski, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now Spotfire Consultant PSG, Frankfurt
- Bettina Meyer, former PhD and Postdoc, now at external page MSCI Inc.
- Schneidereit Michael, former PostDoc
- Ulrich Moser, former Senior Scientist, retired
- Guido Müller, former Senior Scientist, retired
- external page Wolfgang A. Müller, former PhD Student, now at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg
- Pardeep Pall, former Postdoc
- Davide Panosetti, former PhD and Postdoc, now at Gallagher Re
- Anna Possner, former PhD, and Postdoc, now Goethe University, Frankfurt, DE
- Jan Rajczak, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Daniel Regenass, former PhD, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Arturo Sanchez Lorenzo, former PostDoc
- Simon Scherrer, former PhD Student, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- external page Reinhard Schiemann, former PhD Student, now senior research scientist at the University of Reading, UK
- external page Jürg Schmidli, former PhD student and Senior Scientist, now Professor at Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- external page Manfred Schwarb, former PhD Student, now at Meteodat
- Matthias Schwarz, former PhD and Postdoc, now at GeoSphere, AT
- Sonia I. Seneviratne, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now Professor at ETH Zürich
- external page Ana Sesartic, former PostDoc, now at University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
- Boris Sevruk, former Senior Scientist, retired
- Silje Lund Sørland, former Postdoc and Senior Scientist, now at Sweco, NO
- Michael Sprenger, former PhD Student, now senior scientist at ETH Zürich
- Reto Stöckli, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Mark Verbunt, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at ABB
- Jesús Vergara, former Postdoc, now at Trisolaris AG
- external page Pier Luigi Vidale, former PostDoc, now Professor at University of Reading, UK
- André Walser, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Yawen Wang, former PostDoc now at Ocean University China
- external page Martin Widmann, former PhD Student, now senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham, UK
- external page Massimiliano Zappa, former PhD Student, now at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
- Elias Zubler, former PhD Student and PostDoc, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Fabiana Chiriatti, now at external page MeteoSwiss
- Rebekka Estermann