MSc and BSc Projects

Find more details about the projects below, and feel free to contact us and learn more about research opportunities in our group! 

Enlarged view: Master_Sebastian

How to measure undisturbed ice crystals in clouds?


Enlarged view: Master_Thomas

Unveiling the impact of biogenic substances on clay minerals for ice nucleation


Enlarged view: Master_Yuhang

Size-dependence of ice nucleation activity of quartz particles

Enlarged view: Master_Kunfeng

Investigating the size limit of dust particles for cloud ice formation


Enlarged view: Diego

Global modelling: Using emulators to tune cloud microphysics


Enlarged view: Master_Paul

Global modelling Mixed-phase clouds thinning for climate intervention



Enlarged view: Master_Sandro_3

Impacts of solar radiation modification on the hydrological cycle


Enlarged view: Master_Sandro_2

Effects of volcanoes on the 17th century atmosphere and climate

Enlarged view: Master_thesis_Sandro

Energetic particle precipitation impacts on the atmosphere


Enlarged view: Chen jie

Morphology and chemical composition of biomass burning particles

Enlarged view: other

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