How to find us

Our group is located on the ETH Zentrum campus in the CHN building.

Arrving from Zürich Airport:

After arriving at Zürich Airport, take Tram 10 – Direction: Zürich,Bahnhofplatz/HB. Please get a ticket at a ticket machine: one way to Zürich HB, full fare/adults. The tram will take you in around 30 minutes (21 stops) to Zürich, Haldenbach.


Arriving from Zürich Main Train Station:

After arriving at Zürich main station, take Tram 10 – Direction: Zürich, Flughafen. Please get a ticket at a ticket machine: full fare/adults. The tram leaves will take you in around 5 minutes (3 stops) to Zürich, Haldenbach.

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