Ice Nucleation Colloquium
The virtual Ice Nucleation colloquium is a international platform to share and discuss current research around ice nucleation processes in the atmosphere. Research is presented in a Zoom-meeting as 30 to 45-minute talks, followed by a 15 to 20-minute Q&A-session. Succeeding the colloquium, the virtual meeting room remains open for informal discussions and networking of attendees. All scientists are most welcome to share their work, independent of their current academic career position. Hence, we aim to ensure equal representation of professors, senior scientists, postdocs, undergrad, and graduate students as well as talks about laboratory, field, and modeling research. Presentations about work in progress are specifically encouraged. If you would like to present at a colloquium, just send us an e-mail!
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Stated times are Central European Time (UTC +1/+2). Please click on the date to download an .ics file, which will add the event to your calendar at your respective local time zone.
Upcoming events:
Thu 03.04.25 17:00 CET
Ice Nucleation Colloquium
Why should we care about the choice of ice nucleation parameterizations? Examples from the laboratory and field and modeling studies
Previous talks:
March 6, 2025, Anderson Da Silva: Download "How to trace the emission sources of Ice Nucleating Particles: an Arctic example" (PDF, 52.7 MB)
December 5, 2024, Dr. Kunfeng Gao: "Soot particles: controlling properties for ice nucleation and the effects of atmospheric aging" (video recording available upon request)
November 11, 2024, Prof. Naruki Hiranuma: "Multi-seasonal measurements of the ground-level atmospheric ice-nucleating particle abundance on the North Slope of Alaska" (video recording available upon request)
October 3, 2024, Christopher Rapp: Download "Characterizing the Ice Nucleating Properties of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol" (PDF, 9 MB)
September 5, 2024, Prof. Yue Zhang: "The Interplay of Phase State, Chemical Composition, and Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Organic Aerosols"
June 6, 2024, Dr. Claudia Mignani: "Ice-nucleating particles are emitted by raindrop impact"
April 11, 2024, Prof. Gabor Vali: "Download In pursuit of sites (PDF, 7.9 MB)" (video recording available upon request)
March 7, 2024, Prof. Isabelle Steinke: "Download INPS - from fundamental understanding to climate interventions (PDF, 2.4 MB)"
December 7, 2023, Paul Bieber: "High-speed cryo-microscopy to investigate ice nucleation mechanisms of organic matter"
November 2, 2023, Dr. Velle Toll: "Ice nucleation, snowfall and reduced cloud cover downwind of anthropogenic aerosol sources"
October 5, 2023, Prof. Sapna Sarupria: "Mica, Water, Ice: It's complicated"
September 7, 2023, Dr. Mark Holden: "Laboratory studies of ice nucleation by feldspars"
July 6, 2023, Dr. Peter Alpert: Download "Advances in understanding ice nucleation with microanalytical methods" (PDF, 2.9 MB)
June 8, 2023, Prof. Trude Storelvmo: "The climate impact of high-latitude INPs"
May 11, 2023, Dr. Bernd Kärcher: "Download Competing Ice Nucleation in Cirrus Clouds: Mineral Dust vs Aviation Soot (PDF, 1.8 MB)"
March 9, 2023, Prof. Nadia Shardt: "Download Cloud from a chip: Developments in microfluidic ice nucleation experiments (PDF, 2.3 MB)"
February 9, 2023, Dr. Paul DeMott: "Download Investigations into ubiquitous biological and organic ice nucleating particles (PDF, 18.1 MB)"
December 8, 2022, Prof. Athanasios Nenes: “Download Secondary ice processes: a modulator of global mixed-phase clouds (PDF, 9.4 MB)"
November 5, 2022, Prof. Hinrich Grothe, Dr. Teresa Seifried, and Florian Reyzek: "Download Towards understanding the influence of biological INPs from plants on atmospheric ice nucleation (PDF, 17.2 MB)"
October 6, 2022, Dr. Xianda Gong and Dr. Heike Wex: "Download INP at different ends of the world: results from two recent studies in South America and Northern Greenland (PDF, 5 MB)"
September 15, 2022, Prof. Xiaohong Liu and Dr. Xi Zhao: "Download Ice production in high latitude mixed-phase clouds: Insight from observational data analysis and model simulations (PDF, 23 MB)"
August 4, 2022, Prof. Bingbing Wang: "Ice nucleation on dust particles from a source region and dust storms in China"
May 5, 2022, Dr. Christina McCluskey: "Levering Observations and Numerical Moeling to Investigate Ice Nucleating Particle Populations and Mixed Phase Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the Southern High Latitudes"
April 7, 2022, Jörg Wieder: Download "Ice formation in remote regions: from nucleation to multiplication" (PDF, 33.6 MB)
March 10, 2022, Prof. Thomas Koop and Lukas Eickhoff: "Experimental investigations of molecular ice nucleators"
February 3, 2022, Prof. Valeria Molinero: Download "Ice nucleation without supercooling: on the search for the most potent ice nucleants" (PDF, 7.5 MB)
January 13, 2022, Dr. Robert David: "Space-borne evidence that ice-nucleating praticles influence cloud phase"
December 7, 2021, Prof. Luisa Ickes: "Challenges of modelling freezing across scales"
November 2, 2021, Prof. Alexei Korolev: Download "Open discussion: Relative roles of primary and secondary ice production in tropospheric clouds" (PDF, 4.4 MB)
October 5, 2021, Prof. Tina Šantl-Temkiv: Download "Bioaerosols and biological INP in the Arctic" (PDF, 11.6 MB)
September 7, 2021, Dr. Mark Tarn: Download "Microfluidics for ice nucleation." (PDF, 5.7 MB)
August 10, 2021, Dr. Thomas Hill: "Ice Nucleating Particles: Expect the Unexpected”
July 6, 2021, Dr. Martin Wolf: "The impact of fluorine on the ice nucleation abilities of secondary organic aerosol and sea spray aerosols."
June 1, 2021, Dr. María Laura López: Download "INPs in Argentina: performed measurements and perspectives." (PDF, 4.6 MB)
May 4, 2021, Dr. Sylvia Sullivan: Download "The interplay of vertical velocity, ice microphysics, and radiative heating." (PDF, 5.1 MB)
March 30, 2021, Zoé Brasseur, Dimitri Castarède, and Julia Schneider presenting results from the Hyytiälä field study HyICE 2018: “An endeavor to characterize boreal INP”.
March 9, 2021, Dr. Yutaka Tobo: Download "Variability of aerosols related to cloud formation over the Svalbard region." (PDF, 6.1 MB)
February 2, 2021, Dr. Larissa Lacher: Download "Characterization and first applications of the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment PINE" (PDF, 2 MB)
January 12, 2021, Prof. Luis A. Ladino: "Ice Nucleating Particles in Mid- and Tropical-latitudes."
December 1, 2020, Rachel Hawker and Prof. Benjamin Murray: "The critical role of ice nucleating particles in clouds."
November 3, 2020, Dr. Claudia Marcolli: Download "Pore condensation and freezing: close up on how porous particles nucleate ice?" (PDF, 4.7 MB)
October 6, 2020, Dr. Jessie Creamean: "Cold loving critters: Where do Arctic microbes come from and what do they have to do with clouds?"
September 8, 2020, Dr. Rachel Moore and Dr. Cindy Morris: "Rainfall Feedback: the where, when, and how of microbial mediated land atmosphere interactions."
August 4, 2020, Dr. Heike Wex: Download "Overview of our atmospheric INP measurements from polar to tropical regions and what might we learn from them." (PDF, 3.2 MB)
July 7, 2020, Claudia Mignani: Download "Towards parametrising atmospheric concentrations of INPs active at moderate supercooling." (PDF, 4.2 MB)
June 9, 2020, Dr. André Welti: Download "Ship-based measurements of ice nucleiconcentrations over the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Ocean." (PDF, 39.9 MB)
May 12, 2020, Dr. Susannah Burrows: Download "Towards an improved representation of IN particle sources in models: adding the missing pieces." (PDF, 6.6 MB)