Former members
Since September 2009:
- Franziska Aemisegger (PhD student, PostDoc and Senior Scientist, 2009-2023), now external page Professor at the University of Bern
- Moshe "Koko" Armon (PostDoc, 2021-2024), now external page Senior Lecturer at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Roman Attinger (PhD student and PostDoc 2016-2021), now external page Scientist at MeteoSwiss
- Remo Beerli (PhD student 2014-2017), now external page Senior Structurer Weather and Energy at NewRe
- Maxi Böttcher (PostDoc and Senior Scientist 2010-2022), now external page Scientific Associate at Kantonspolizei Zürich
- Dominik Büeler (PhD student and PostDoc 2014-2017), now PostDoc at ETH Zürich
- Bas Crezee (PhD student 2013-2017), now external page Software Developer at MeteoSwiss
- Fabienne Dahinden (PhD student 2017-2022), now NatCat Specialist at SwissRe
- Marina Dütsch (PhD student and PostDoc 2013-2017), now external page Senior Scientist at the University of Vienna
- Luise Fischer (PhD student 2018-2021), now at external page South Pole in Melbourne
- Claudia Frick (PhD student 2009-2012), now external page Professorin für Informationsdienstleistungen und Wissenschaftskommunikation an der TH Köln
- Michael Graf (PhD student and PostDoc 2010-2015), now external page Senior Data Scientist at KPT
- Pascal Graf (PhD student and PostDoc 2013-2018), now external page Project Manager Meteotest
- Christian Grams (Senior Scientist 2012-2017), now external page Head of Climate Fundamentals at MeteoSwiss
- Irina Heese (PhD student 2009-2014), now at external page FZ Jülich (communication and outreach)
- Katharina Heitmann (PhD student and PostDoc 2020-2024), now external page Climate Risk and Sustainability Analyst at Wüest Partner
- Mauro Hermann (PhD student and PostDoc 2019-2023), now external page Forecaster at SRF Meteo
- Christina Klasa (PhD student 2014-2017), now Scientist at University Medicine Greifswald
- Anne Kunz (PostDoc 2013-2014), now external page Patent Attorney in Munich
- Alex Läderach (PhD student 2013-2016), now external page Project Lead Grolimund + Partner AG
- Erica Madonna (PhD student and PostDoc 2010-2014), now external page Bundesamt für Energie
- Olivia Martius (Senior Scientist 2009-2010), now external page Professor at the University of Bern
- Annette Miltenberger (PhD student 2011-2014), now external page Juniorprofessorin at the University of Mainz
- Annika Oertel (PhD student 2016-2020), now external page Junior Group Leader at KIT Karlsruhe
- Stephan Pfahl (Senior Scientist 2009-2018), now external page Professor at the FU Berlin
- Nicolas Piaget (PhD student and PostDoc 2011-2017), now IT support at a ELWA Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia
- Raphael Portmann (PhD student and PostDoc 2017-2020), now external page Junior Project Lead planval
- Julian Quinting (PostDoc 2015), now external page Head of Working Group Meteorological Data Science at KIT Karlsruhe
- Shira Raveh-Rubin (PostDoc 2012-2017), now external page Associate Professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science
- Jacopo Riboldi (PhD student and PostDoc 2014-2018), now Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich
- Matthias Röthlisberger (PostDoc and Senior Scientist 2018-2024), external page now co-director of Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks
- Stefan Rüdisühli (PhD student and PostDoc 2015-2019), now external page model developer at Meteomatics
- Sebastian Schemm (PhD student and PostDoc 2010-2013), now Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich
- Alexander Scherrmann (PhD student 2020-2024), now external page data scientists at MS Direct AG
- Bojan Škerlak (PhD student and PostDoc 2011-2015), now external page Lead Engineer at MSCI Climate Risk Center
- Harald Sodemann (Senior Scientist 2010-2015), now external page Professor at the University of Bergen
- Elisa Spreitzer (PhD student and PostDoc 2017-2020), now at SwissRe
- Daniel Steinfeld (PhD student 2016-2019), now at external page GVZ Zürich
- Leonie Villiger (PhD student 2019-2022), now external page Researcher Atmospheric Perils at PartnerRe
- Andries de Vries (PostDoc 2018-2021), now external page Junior Lecturer at Université de Lausanne
- Andreas Winschall (PhD student 2009-2013), now Geschäftsführer Fitnessstudio Pumpstation GmbH & Co.
- Philipp Zschenderlein (PostDoc 2020-2022), now external page Lecturer at ZGeoBw
Prior to 2009 (PhD students under the supervision of Prof. Huw C. Davies - with year of PhD and current activity):
- Bruno Neininger, 1987, Professor ZHAW, Winterthur
- Johannes Müller, 1989, Leader of African Link, Switzerland
- Christoph Schär, 1989, Professor ETH Zurich
- Peter Binder, 1992, Director MeteoSwiss
- Anna Ghelli, 1992, Head International Liaisons, ECMWF
- Daniel Lüthi, 1993, IT and modelling specialist, passed away 2018
- Jürg Trüb, 1993, Head Environmental & Commodities Markets, Swiss Re
- Christof Appenzeller, 1994, Head Analysis & Prediction, MeteoSwiss, and Titular Prof. ETH Zurich
- Christoph Frei, 1994, Senior Scientist, MeteoSwiss & PD ETH
- Andrea M. Rossa, 1995, Senior Scientist, MeteoSwiss
- Heini Wernli, 1995, Professor ETH Zurich
- Christoph H. Schraff, 1996, Senior Scientist, DWD, Germany
- René Fehlmann, 1997, Researcher: Pure Mathematics
- David N. Bresch, 1998, Professor ETH Zurich
- Olaf Morgenstern, 1998, Principal Scientist, NIWA, New Zealand
- Jean-Marc Beroud, 1999, System Engineer at BNC, Switzerland
- Alexia J. C. Massacand, 1999, Founder and CEO, MoutaiNow
- Michel Bourqui, 2001, Founder & CEO Climanosco
- Cornelia B. Schwierz, 2001, Senior Scientist, MeteoSwiss
- Mark A. Liniger, 2002, Senior Scientist, MeteoSwiss
- Matthias Zillig, 2002, Head of Statistics International, Swiss Post
- Sebastien Dirren, 2003, Managing Director, Zurich Invest
- Sandro Buss, 2004, Company founder and high school teacher, Switzerland
- Patrick Koch, 2004, Fiduciary Risk Manager JP Morgan, Geneva
- Raphael Schefold, 2004, High school teacher, Germany
- Mischa Croci-Maspoli, 2005, Head Climate Division, MeteoSwiss
- Daniel Leuenberger, 2005, Senior Scientist, MeteoSwiss
- Tobias Grimbacher, 2005, IT specialist, author and dramatist, Zurich
- Olivia C. Martius, 2005, Professor University of Bern
- Marco Didone, 2006, Property developer, Greece
- Harald Sodemann, 2006, Professor University of Bergen
- Sarah F. Kew, 2007, Researcher KNMI and VU Amsterdam
- Johannes Jenker, 2008, Quality Assurance Manager UBIMET
- Thomas Spengler, 2008, Professor University of Bergen