We provide education at three different levels:
We offer basic quantitative education on the fundamental quantitative concepts in atmospheric and climate science.
With our BSc education we contribute to the following BSc programmes:
More information for Bachelor Students (German)
In our Master's programmes students gain in-depth understanding of climate processes and their interactions. Ranging from the molecular to the global scale and from short-lived phenomena to changes over millions of years. MSc graduates are well prepared for a PhD program at ETH or at any other university or a career outside academia.
We offer two different Master's curricula in Atmospheric and Climate Science
For a detailed look please refer to this site.
We currently educate about 50 PhD students at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science. Many of our PhD graduates hold leading positions in academia, public administration and private companies including reinsurances, risk management and consulting.
More information for PhD Students
(IAC photo contest 2008) -
(Fiodorov Alexey©2009)