Groundwater II
Important Information
The course is based on the course 'Groundwater I' and is a prerequisite for further applications of groundwater flow and contaminant transport models.
The exercises of the course are organized as a computer lab (one lesson per week). The computer lab will provide hands-on experience with groundwater modelling.
Learning goals
- The course should enable students to understand and apply methods and tools for groundwater flow and transport modelling. the student should be able to
- formulate practical flow and contaminant transport problems.
- solve steady-state and transient flow and transport problems in 2 and 3 spatial dimensions using numerical codes based on the finite difference method and the finite element methods.
- solve simple inverse flow problems for parameter estimation given measurements.
- assess simple multiphase flow problems.
- assess spatial variability of parameters and use of stochastic techniques in this task.
- solve simple flow problems affected by fluid density.
- assess simple coupled reactive transport problems.
- Introduction and basic flow and contaminant transport equation.
- Numerical solution of the 3D flow equation using the finite difference method.
- Numerical solution to the flow equation using the finite element equation
- Numerical solution to the transport equation using the finite difference method.
- Numerical solution to the transport equation using the method of characteristics and the random walk method.
- Numerical solution to the transport equation: Case studies.
- Two-phase flow and Unsaturated flow problems.
- Modelling of flow problems affected by fluid density.
- Spatial variability of parameters and its geostatistical representation.
- Geostatistics and stochastic modelling.
- Reactive transport modelling.