Recommended Electives Courses
This site is only used as storage. Please use the links below if you are interested in the Master and Bachelor Courses.
This site is only used as a storage-site for webpages of courses offered by IAC.
If you are a student and looking for information about the courses please consider this page for Master students or this page for Bachelor students.
- chevron_right Analysis of Climate and Weather Data
- chevron_right Atmospheric Chemistry
- chevron_right Atmospheric Chemistry: Instruments and Measuring Techniques
- chevron_right European Climate Change
- chevron_right Groundwater II
- chevron_right Physics of Glaciers
- chevron_right Sedimentology II: Biological and Chemical Processes in Lacustrine and Marine Systems
- chevron_right Snow and Avalanches: Processes and Risk Management
- chevron_right Global Atmospheric Circulation and Climate
- chevron_right Statistical Learning for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
- chevron_right Seminar in Hydrology
- chevron_right Climate Change Mitigation: Emissions Reduction