Module Courses
The module “Atmospheric compositions and cycles” encompasses the description and understanding of the fundamental chemical and physical processes that govern air pollution by trace gases and aerosols and the self-cleansing of the atmosphere. It is also concerned with radiative properties of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols, which are crucial for Earth’s climate.
The module introduces methods and approaches in paleoclimatology. The students will have an understanding of the evolution of climate and its majord forcing factors through geological time. They will be familiar with the use of most common geochemical climate "proxies" and be able to evaluate the quality of marine and terrestrial sedimentary paleoclimate archives.
The module "Weather Systems and Atmospheric Dynamics" encompasses the description and understanding of the fundamental processes that govern atmospheric motion on a wide range of scales (meso, synoptic, planetary). They form the basis of every-day weather and longer-term (seasonal) climate evolution and underlie diagnosis and prediction.