Mandatory Courses
Students of the MSc programme in Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich are welcomed with a 3-day mandatory introduction course. The goal is to introduce you to the atmospheric and climate research as well as to get to know each other. The professors will present ongoing research subjects and the different modules in keynote lectures. The introduction course brings together the students of ETH Zurich and University of Bern.
The introduction course takes place from Wednesday to Friday in the week before the start of the semester.
Date 2024: 11 - 13 September 2024
Learning goals
In this seminar the knowledge exchange between you and the other students is promoted. You attend the seminar twice during your master studies. In the first run (701-1211-01L) you write a proposal on a current research subject or your future master thesis project. This aims at strengthening your scientific writing skills and introduces you to a typical publishing/reviewing process. In the second run (701-1211-02L) you present the status of your master thesis project.
Please take note that you attend the seminar in your second master semester at ETH (i.e. you already spent one semester in courses as preparation) and again during the master thesis, as indicated in the curriculum. Both seminars run parallel in each semester! Please only register for one seminar at a time at (701-1211-01L in your 2nd semester, and 701-1211-02L in your master thesis semester).
Please sign up for the Colloquium in Atmospheric and Climate Science 1,2 or 3 (651-4095-01L, 651-4095-02L or 651-4095-03L) through mystudies and confirm your attendance using this Download form (PDF, 30 KB)
The Colloquium in Atmospheric and Climate Science is a seminar series with leading international and national scientists. The programme for the colloquium is published shortly before the term on our events page. Students are required to attend and to confirm their attendance to a minimum 8 presentations using this Download form (PDF, 30 KB).
Students are welcomed to attend extraordinary seminars, group meetings or seminar series on Atmospheric and Climate Science by partner institutions such as MeteoSwiss or University of Bern instead.
Students in the MSc programmes have to sign up for this course three times, i.e. once for each of the Colloquia in Atmospheric and Climate Science 1, 2 or 3 in one semesters of the MSc programme: 1 credit each, totalling 3 credits. All other students sign up for Colloquium in Atmospheric and Climate Science 1, 651-4095-01L