Reto Knutti

Research highlights

The 2°C climate target and COP in Paris 

Humans affect extreme weather 

Has global warming stopped? 

IPCC AR5, and how to slice the global carbon pie 

Enlarged view: IPCC cover

The Working Group I summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report is published. Some reactions of the media, with a focus on what I think is the most relevant topic: the global carbon budget for the 2°C target.
external page New York Times: How to Slice a Global Carbon Pie?
external page BAZ: Das CO2 Budget ist schon fast weg
external page Presentation of IPCC AR5 at ETH Zurich
external page Multimedia presentation, AURA Zurich
external page IPCC AR5 WG1 Summary and drafts of chapters
external page SRF: Wissenschaft und Politik sind sich einig; SRF Autorenbeitrag, September 2013

Ocean eddies influence weather 

On the way to four, not two degrees 

Climate models: useful or useless? 

The others should do something first… 

Enlarged view: infras

In a joint report with INFRAS we consider the implications of different burden sharing approaches for different countries in a scenario where greenhouse gases are reduced globally to reach the 2°C target. The interpretation of “common but differentiated responsibility” of course varies in the different burden sharing proposals, but developed countries will have to reduce emissions quickly in all cases. 
Download Emission pathways to reach 2°C target (PDF, 988 KB)

At least three quarters of warming since 1950 manmade

Is two degrees warming still possible? 

Swiss climate change scenarios CH2011

Tropics feel the heat

Which climate model prediction should I trust? 

The 2008 Olympics as an aerosol field experiment 

Irreversible climate change

Research interests

My research interests are the changes in the global climate system caused by the growing emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. I use numerical models of different complexity, from simple energy balance to three-dimensional coupled climate models that resolve the atmosphere, ocean, land, sea ice and their interactions. In particular, I work on simulation of scenarios for future climate change, the quantification of uncertainties in the climate response, and the development of methods to constrain important feedback processes in the climate system by comparing observations with model results.

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