Boundary Layer Meteorology
During the course students will acquire basic knowledge on atmospheric turbulence and theoretical as well as practical approaches to treat atmospheric boundary layer flows. They will familiarize with the relevant processes (turbulent transport, forcing) within and typical states of the atmospheric boundary layer. They will be presented with idealized concepts as well as their adaptations under real surface conditions (as, for example, over complex topography).
Please upload your solved problem sheets as a PDF (or Zip in case of multiple files) until Thursday evening using the upload links below. Please name your file with firstname_lastname.pdf/zip.
You can solve the exercise on computer or by hand, but please hand in your solutions in digital form.
Questions can be asked using external page Piazza.
- Wyngaard, J. (2010), external page Turbulence in the Atmosphere, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Garratt JR (1992), external page The Atmospheric Boundary Layer, 316 pp, Cambridge University Press.
- Kaimal JC and Finnigan JJ: 1994, external page Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows, Oxford University Press, 289 pp.
- Panofsky HA and Dutton JA: 1984, "external page Atmospheric Turbulence, Models and Methods for Engineering Applications", (J. Wiley), 397 pp.
- Stull RB: 1988, external page An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology, (Kluwer), 666 pp.