Integrated Practical: Python in Geosciences

Important Information

Bring your own laptop. Come in person. The IP is 'on site' in CHN E46.

All course material is available via links on this page. Updates are possible, so please check back.

All organizational aspects of the practicum are summarized on this page.

If necessary, you will be contacted by email. It is therefore important that you register electronically!

Course objectvies

The course aims at to provide practical python skills that are useful for your BSc/ MSc studies and beyond. It should enable you to work independently with python on your own laptop, with a focus on geoscience topics.

Course Content

  • You will set up python on your laptop.
  • You will learn how to work with python environments (using conda).
  • Different ways of using python are covered: jupyter notebooks, ipython, 'python from the command prompt'.
  • You write python code yourself (python scripts, *.py files or jupyter notebooks), and get guidance on how to do this in a clean and re-usable way.
  • The focus is on aspects relevant in geosciences (and beyond): quantitative data handling and analysis with numpy, line plots and maps using matplotlib and cartopy, labelled data and working with netCDF files (xarray, pandas) to organize your data.
  • Emphasis is put on collaborative work (you work in small teams of typically two people) and on how to help yourself (using web resources to solve your python problem).

The practicum takes place in block 1 of the integrated practicum (IP), Monday 11.03 to Tuesday 26.03. It consists of three introductory half days, six half days project work, and one half day to present your results to everybody. Bring your own laptop! (If you have no laptop, contact )

Attendance is compulsory on the half days printed in bold.


Teaching assistants: Svenja Seeber, Stefanie Börsig

General introduction: Download intro slides (PDF, 1 MB)

Set up Python on laptop: instructions

Python basics for IP: introduction


IP Project: Climate Risk

Contact: Valentin Gebhart

Material: webpage (Download download (PDF, 90 KB)), Download Data (NC, 1.9 MB)


IP Project: CMIP Data

Contact: Mathias Hauser

Material: webpage


IP Project: Climatology of frontal structures

Contact:  Robin Noyelle

Material: webpage


  • Participation in introduction and mid-term question round
  • Hand in python code as requested, working and commented
  • Present your work (~10 min) on the last half day of the course
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