Dr. Christian Zeman

Dr.  Christian Zeman

Dr. Christian Zeman

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich

Hochaufl. Wetter- u Klimamodel.

CHN N 17.1

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


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Research area

Kilometer-scale Weather and Climate Simulations, Deep Convection, Model Verification


Adinolfi, M., Loprieno, L.L., Demory, ME., Zeman, C., and Schär, C. (2025). Km-scale climate simulations over Madeira and Canary Islands under present and future conditions: a model intercomparison study. Clim. Dyn., 63 (89). Abstract and download

Banderier, H., Zeman, C., Leutwyler, D., Rüdisühli, S., and Schär, C. (2024). Reduced floating-point precision in regional climate simulations: an ensemble-based statistical verification. Geosc. Model Dev., 17 (14), 5573-5586. Abstract and download

Liu, S., Zeman, C., and Schär, C. (2024). Dynamical Downscaling of Climate Simulations in the Tropics. Geophysical Research Letters, 51. Abstract and download

Gao, Q., Zeman, C., Vergara-Temprado, J., Lima, D. C. A., Molnar, P., and Schär, C. (2023). Vortex streets to the lee of Madeira in a kilometre-resolution regional climate model, Weather Clim. Dynam., 4, 189–211, Abstract and download

Liu, S., Zeman, C., Sørland, S. L., and Schär, C. (2022). Systematic calibration of a convection-resolving model: Application over tropical Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127. Abstract and download

Zeman, C. and Schär, C. (2022). An ensemble-based statistical methodology to detect differences in weather and climate model executables. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 3183–3203. Abstract and download

Zeman, C., Wedi, N. P., Dueben, P. D., Ban, N. and Schär, C. (2021). Model intercomparison of COSMO 5.0 and IFS 45r1 at kilometer-scale grid spacing. Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 4617–4639. Abstract and download

Dueben, P. D., Wedi, N. P., Saarinen, S., and Zeman, C., (2020). Global Simulations of the Atmosphere at 1.45 km Grid-Spacing with the Integrated Forecasting System. Journal of Climate, 98 (3), 551-572. Abstract and download

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