Dr. Frank Gunther Wienhold

Dr.  Frank Gunther Wienhold

Dr. Frank Gunther Wienhold

Staff of Professorship for Atmosperic Dynamics

ETH Zürich

Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima

CHN O 16.3

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Born 12 February 1965 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany



1986 – 1991 
Studies of physics: Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

1990 – 1991 
Diploma thesis: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry,  Air Chemistry Department, Mainz, Germany
Thesis title: Development of a TTFM (Two Tone Frequency Modulation) diode laser spectrometer for fast time response trace gas detection

31.01.1992    Diploma in physics

1992 – 1994
PhD studies: Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
PhD thesis:  Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Air Department, Mainz, Germany
Title: Micrometeorological trace gas flux measurements with high frequency modulated tunable diode lasers
ISBN 978-3-8265-0684-0, Shaker Verlag Herzogenrath (Germany)
Supervisors: Prof. P. J. Crutzen, Prof. H. Backe

30.11.1994   PhD examination


Professional development

June 1994 to 1997

Scientist (post-doc), Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Air Chemistry Department, Mainz, Germany

  • Measurement of atmospheric trace gases by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) in the mid infrared (MIR) spectral region
  • Development of ground based or aircraft borne instrumentation therefor
  • Measurement campaigns addressing
    - nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils
    - atmospheric chemistry associated with biomass burning
    - chemistry and dynamics of the Arctic polar vortex leading to ozone depletion

January 1998 to September 2003

Senior scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, department Optical Spectroscopy and Systems (OSS), Freiburg, Germany

  • Interferometric verification and validation of optical inter-satellite communication systems
  • Development of spectroscopic systems (based TDLAS in the MIR) for ultra-fast response car exhaust gas analysis
  • Beyond this: optical spectroscopy without lasers
  • Development of high quality photographic laser imaging systems for paper and cine film media up to the maturity phase
  • Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopy of  the integral solar disc with high radiometric accuracy: SOL-ACES in the international space station ISS

Head of Department Optical Spectroscopy and Systems since December1999

  • Scientific, technical and financial responsibility for the department OSS

Since October 2003

Senior scientist (60%), Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IAC), Zurich, Switzerland

  • Development and application of microphysical cloud models to investigate distribution and evolution of stable water isotopologues
  • Projection, design, set-up and verification of balloon borne field instruments for optical measurements of aerosol and clouds
  • Optimization of radio sounding facilities
  • Development and verification of the COBALD sensor
  • Radio sounding measurements of water vapor and optical backscatter, and their analysis
  • Analysis of ground based lidar data for cirrus cloud characterization
  • Development of the Peltier Cooled Frost point Hygrometer (PCFH)

Group leader at IAC since January2006

  • Support of the field course for bachelor students
  • Supervision of PhD students


(ORCHID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8806-038X)

A. K. Pandit, J.-P. Vernier, T. D. Fairlie, K. M. Bedka, M. A. Avery, H. Gadhavi, M. V. Ratnam, S. Dwivedi, K. A. Jyothi, F. G. Wienhold, H. Vömel, H. Liu, B. Zhang, B. S. Kumar, T. Dinh, and A. Jayaraman (2024) 
Investigating the role of typhoon-induced waves and stratospheric hydration in the formation of tropopause cirrus clouds observed during the 2017 Asian monsoon 
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 14209–14238, doi: 10.5194/acp-24-14209-2024

H. Zhang, C. Rolf, R. Tillmann, C. Wesolek, F. G. Wienhold, T. Leisner, H. Saathoff (2024)
Comparison of scanning aerosol LIDAR and in-situ measurement of aerosol physical proprieties and boundary layer heights
Aerosol Res., 2, 135–151, doi: 10.5194/ar-2-135-2024

N. Dumelié, J.-P. Vernier, G. Berthet, H. Vernier, J.-B. Renard, N. Rastogi, F. G. Wienhold, D. Combaz, M. Angot, J. Burgalat;,F. Parent, N. Chauvin, G. Albora, P. Dagaut, R. Benoit, M. Kovilakam, C. Crevoisier; L. Joly (2024) 
Toward Rapid Balloon Experiments for Sudden Aerosol Injection in the Stratosphere (REAS) by Volcanic Eruptions and Wildfires
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E105–E120, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0086.1

S. Evan, J. Brioude, K. H. Rosenlof, R.-S. Gao, R. W. Portmann, Y. Zhu, R. Volkamer, C. F. Lee, J.-M. Metzger, K. Lamy, P. Walter, S. L. Alvarez, J. H. Flynn, E. Asher, M. Todt, S. M. Davis, T. Thornberry, H. Vömel, F. G. Wienhold, R. M. Stauffer1, L. Millán, M. L. Santee, L. Froidevaux, W. G. Read (2023)
Rapid ozone loss following humidification of the stratosphere by the Hunga Tonga Eruption 
Science, 382 (6668), 282, doi: 10.1126/science.adg2551

S. Fadnavis, A. Sagalgile, S. Sonbawne, B. Vogel, T. Peter, F. G. Wienhold, R. Dirksen, P. Oelsner, M. Naja, and R. Müller  (2023)
Comparison of ozone sonde measurements in the upper troposphere and lower Stratosphere at Nainital, India during StratoClim with renalysis and chemistry-climate model data
Scientific Reports 13, 7133,  doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-34330-5

J. Bian, D. Li, Z. Bai, J. Xu, Q. Li, H. Wang, H. Vömel, F. G. Wienhold, T. Peter (2023) 
First detection of aerosols of the Hunga Tonga eruption in the Northern Hemisphere stratospheric westerlies 
Science Bulletin, 68, 574 – 577,  doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.03.002

Z. Yang, D. Li, J. Luo, W. Tian, Z. Bai, Q. Li, J. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Zheng, H. Vömel, F. G. Wienhold, T. Peter, D. Hurst, J. Bian (2023) 
Determination of Cirrus Occurrence and Distribution Characteristics Over the Tibetan Plateau Based on the SWOP Campaign
J. Geophys. Res, 128 (8), doi: 10.1029/2022JD037682

R. Benoit, H. Vernier, J.P. Vernier, L. Joly, N. Dumelié, F. G. Wienhold, C. Crevoisier, S. Delpeux, F. Bernard, P. Dagaut, G. Berthet (2023) 
The first balloon-borne sample analysis of atmospheric carbonaceous components reveals new insights into formation processes
Chemosphere, 326, 138421, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138421

A. Raj, M. V. Ratnam, J.-P. Vernier, A. K. Pandit, F. G. Wienhold (2022)
Defining the upper boundary of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) using the static stability 
Atmos. Pollution Res., 13, 101451, doi: 10.1016/j.apr.2022.101451

V. R. Kiran, M. V. Ratnam, M. Fujiwara, H. Russchenberg, F. G. Wienhold, B. L, Madhavan, M. R. Raman, R. Nandan, S. Thankamani, A. Raj, A. H. Kumar, S. R. Babu1 (2022) 
Balloon borne aerosol-cloud interaction studies (BACIS): New observational techniques to understand and quantify aerosol effects on clouds
 Atmos. Meas. Tech, 15 (16), 4709 – 4734, doi: 10.5194/amt-15-4709-2022

H. Vernier, N. Rastogi, H. Liu, A. K. Pandit, K. Bedka, A. Patel, M. V. Ratnam, B. S. Kumar, B. Zhang, H. Gadhavi, F. G. Wienhold, G. Berthet, J.-P. Vernier (2022)
Exploring the inorganic composition of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer using medium-duration balloon flights
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (18), 12675 – 12695, doi: 10.5194/acp-22-12675-2022

M. Tidiga, G. Berthet, F. Jégou, C. Kloss, N. Bègue, J.-P. Vernier, J.-B. Renard, A. Bossolasco, L. Clarisse, G. Taha, T. Portafaix, T. Deshler, F. G. Wienhold, S. Godin-Beekmann, G. Payen, J.-M. Metzger, V. Duflot, N. Marquestaut (2022)
Variability of the Aerosol Content in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere from 2013 to 2019: Evidence of Volcanic Eruption Impacts 
Atmosphere 13 (2), 250, doi: 10.3390/atmos13020250

L. Palchetti, M. Barucci, C. Belotti, G. Bianchini, B. Cluzet, F. D’Amato, S. Del Bianco, G. Di Natale, M. Gai, D. Khordakova, A. Montori, H. Oetjen, M. Rettinger, C. Rolf, D. Schuettemeyer, R. Sussmann, S. Viciani1, H. Vogelmann, and F. G. Wienhold (2021) 
Observations of the downwelling far-infrared atmospheric emission at the Zugspitze observatory 
Earth System Science Data, 13 (9), 4303 – 4312, doi: 10.5194/essd-13-4303-2021

A. Lopatin, O. Dubovik, D. Fuertes, G. Stenchikov, T. Lapyonok, I. Veselovskii, F. G. Wienhold, I. Shevchenko, Q. Hu, and S. Parajuli (2021) 
Synergy processing of diverse ground-based remote sensing and in- situ data using GRASP algorithm: applications to radiometer, lidar and radiosonde observations
Atmos. Meas. Tech, 14 (3), 2575 – 2614, doi: 10.5194/amt-14-2575-2021

I. Reinares Martínez, S. Evan, F. G. Wienhold, J. Brioude, E. J. Jensen, T. D. Thornberry, D. Héron, B. Verreyken, S. Körner, H. Vömel, J.-M. Metzger, F. Posny (2021)
Unprecedented Observations of a Nascent in Situ Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
Geophys. Res. Lett., 48 (4), doi: 10.1029/2020GL090936

T. Jorge, S. Brunamonti, Y. Poltera, F. G. Wienhold, B. P. Luo, P. Oelsner, S. Hanumanthu, B. Singh, S. Körner, R. Dirksen, M. Naja, S.Fadnavis, and T. Peter (2021).
Understanding cryogenic frost point hygrometer measure-ments after contamination by mixed-phase clouds. 
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14 (1), 239–268, doi: 10.5194/amt-14-239-2021

S. Brunamonti, G. Martucci, G. Romanens, Y. Poltera, F. G. Wienhold, Maxime Hervo, A. Haefele, and F. Navas-Guzmán (2021)
Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from Raman lidar and ceilometer using balloon-borne measurements 
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 2267–2285, doi: 10.5194/acp-21-2267-2021

S. Hanumanthu, B. Vogel, R. Müller, S. Brunamonti, S. Fadnavis, D. Li, P. Ölsner, M. Naja, B. B. Singh, K. R. Kumar, S. Sonbawne, H. Jauhiainen, H. Vömel, B. Luo, T. Jorge, F. G. Wienhold, R. Dirksen, and T. Peter (2020)
Strong day-to-day variability of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL) in August 2016 at the Himalayan foothills 
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 14273–14302, doi: 10.5194/acp-20-14273-2020

J.-P. Vernier, L. Kalnajs, J. A. Diaz, T. Reese, E. Corrales, A. Alan, H. Vernier, L. Holland, A. Patel, N. Rastogi, F. Wienhold, S. Carn, N. Krotkov, and J. Murray (2020)
VolKilau: Volcano Rapid Response Balloon Campaign during the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0011.1

S. Brunamonti, T. Jorge, P. Oelsner, S. Hanumanthu, B. Singh, K. R. Kumar, S. Sonbawne, S. Meier, D. Singh, F. G. Wienhold, B. P. Luo, M. Boettcher, Y. Poltera, H. Jauhiainen, R. Kayastha, J. Karmacharya, R. Dirksen, M. Naja, M. Rex, S. Fadnavis, and T. Peter (2018) 
Balloon-borne measurements of temperature, water vapor, ozone and aerosol backscatter on the southern slopes of the Himalayas during StratoClim 2016–2017 Atmos. Chem. Phys, 18, 15937–15957, doi:10.5194/acp-18-15937-2018

J.-P. Vernier, T. D. Fairlie, T. Deshler, M. Venkat Ratnam, H. Gadhavi, B. S. Kumar, M. Natarajan, A. K. Pandit, S. T. Akhil Raj, A. Hemanth Kumar, A. Jayaraman, A. K. Singh, N. Rastogi, P. R. Sinha, S. Kumar, S. Tiwari, T. Wegner, N. Baker, D. Vignelles, G. Stenchikov, I. Shevchenko, J. Smith, K. Bedka, A. Kesarkar, V. Singh, J. Bhate, V. Ravikiran, M. Durga Rao, S. Ravindrababu, A. Patel, H. Vernier, F. G. Wienhold, H. Liu, T. N. Knepp, L. Thomason, J. Crawford, L. Ziemba, J. Moore, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Williamson, G. Berthet, F. Jégou, and J.-B. Renard (2018)
BATAL: The Balloon Measurement Campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer 
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 99 (5), 955–973, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0014.1

J.-P. Vernier, T. D. Fairlie, T. Deshler, M. Natarajan, T. Knepp, K. Foster, F. G. Wienhold, K. M. Bedka, L. Thomason, and C. Trepte (2016)
In situ and space-based observations of the Kelud volcanic plume: The persistence of ash in the lower stratosphere
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025344

S. M. Khaykin, J.-P. Pommereau, E. D. Riviere, G. Held, F. Ploeger, M. Ghysels, N. Amarouche, J.-P. Vernier, F. G. Wienhold, and D. Ionov (2016)
Evidence of horizontal and vertical transport of water in the Southern Hemisphere tropical tropopause layer (TTL) from high-resolution balloon observations
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 12273–12286, doi:10.5194/acp-16-12273-2016

J.-P. Vernier, T. D. Fairlie, M. Natarajan, F. G. Wienhold, J. Bian, B. G. Martinsson, S. Crumeyrolle, L. W. Thomason, and K. M. Bedka (2015)
Increase in upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosol levels and its potential connection with Asian pollution
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022372

D. W. Fahey, R.-S. Gao, O. Möhler, H. Saathoff, C. Schiller, V. Ebert, M. Krämer, T. Peter, N. Amarouche, L. M. Avallone, R. Bauer, Z. Bozóki, L. E. Christensen, S. M. Davis, G. Durry, C. Dyroff, R. L. Herman, S. Hunsmann, S. M. Khaykin, P. Mackrodt, J. Meyer, J. B. Smith, N. Spelten, R. F. Troy, H. Vömel, S. Wagner, and F. G. Wienhold (2014)
The AquaVIT-1 intercomparison of atmospheric water vapor measurement techniques
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3177-3213, doi:10.5194/amt-7-3177-2014

A. Cirisan, B. P. Luo, I. Engel, F. G. Wienhold, U. K. Krieger, U. Weers, G. Romanens, G. Levrat, P. Jeannet, D. Ruffieux, R. Philipona, B. Calpini, P. Spichtinger, and T. Peter (2014)
Balloon-borne match measurements of mid-latitude cirrus clouds
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 7341–7365, doi:10.5194/acp-14-7341-2014

I. Engel, B. P. Luo, S. M. Khaykin, F. G. Wienhold, H. Vömel, R. Kivi, C. R. Hoyle, J.-U. Grooß, M. C. Pitts, and T. Peter (2014)
Arctic stratospheric dehydration – Part 2: Microphysical modeling
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3231–3246, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3231-2014

S. M. Khaykin, I. Engel, H. Vömel, I. M. Formanyuk, R. Kivi, L. I. Korshunov, M. Krämer, A. D. Lykov, S. Meier, T. Naebert, M. C. Pitts, M. L. Santee, N. Spelten, F. G. Wienhold, V. A. Yushkov, and T. Peter (2013)
Arctic stratospheric dehydration – Part 1: Unprecedented observation of vertical redistribution of water
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11503–11517, doi:10.5194/acp-13-11503-2013

M. von Hobe et al., (2013)
Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions (RECONCILE): activities and results
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9233–9268, doi:10.5194/acp-13-9233-2013

J. K. Spiegel, F. Aemisegger, M. Scholl, F. G. Wienhold, J. L. Collett Jr., T. Lee, D. van Pinxteren, S. Mertes, A. Tilgner, H. Herrmann, R. A. Werner, N. Buchmann, and W. Eugster  (2012)
Temporal evolution of stable water isotopologues in cloud droplets in a hill cap cloud in central Europe (HCCT-2010)
Atmos. Chem. Phys.12, 11679-11694, doi:10.5194/acp-12-11679-2012

J. K. Spiegel, F. Aemisegger, M. Scholl, F. G. Wienhold, J. L. Collett Jr., T. Lee, D. van Pinxteren, S. Mertes, A. Tilgner, H. Herrmann, R. A. Werner, N. Buchmann, and W. Eugster (2012)
Stable water isotopologue ratios in fog and cloud droplets of liquid clouds are not size-dependent
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9855-9863, doi:10.5194/acp-12-9855-2012

M. Brabec, F. G. Wienhold, B. P. Luo, H. Vömel, F. Immler, P. Steiner, E. Hausammann, U. Weers, and T. Peter (2012)
Particle backscatter and relative humidity measured across cirrus clouds and comparison with microphysical cirrus modeling
Atmos. Chem. Phys.12, 9135-9148, doi:10.5194/acp-12-9135-2012

P. Zieger, E. Kienast-Sjögren, M. Starace, J. von Bismarck, N. Bukowiecki, U. Baltensperger, F. G. Wienhold, T. Peter, T. Ruhtz, M. Collaud Coen, L. Vuilleumier, O. Maier, E. Emili, C. Popp, and E. Weingartner (2012)
Spatial variation of aerosol optical properties around the high-alpine site Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.)
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7231-7249, 2012, doi:10.5194/acp-12-7231-2012

N. Bukowiecki, P. Zieger, E. Weingartner, Z. Jurányi, M. Gysel, B. Neininger, B. Schneider, C. Hueglin, A. Ulrich, A. Wichser, S. Henne, D. Brunner, R. Kaegi, M. Schwikowski, L. Tobler, F. G. Wienhold, I. Engel, B. Buchmann, T. Peter, and U. Baltensperger (2011)
Ground-based and airborne in-situ measurements of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic aerosol plume in Switzerland in spring 2010
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 10011-10030, doi:10.5194/acp-11-10011-2011

A. Gallice, F. G. Wienhold, C. R. Hoyle, F. Immler, and T,Peter (2011)
Modeling the ascent of sounding balloons: derivation of the vertical air motion
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 2235-2253   doi:10.5194/amt-4-2235-2011

M. Tacke, F. Wienhold, R. Grisar, H. Fischer, and F.-J. Lübcken (2006)
Laser absorption spectroscopy, air monitoring by tunable mid-infrard diod
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, doi:10.1002/9780470027318.a0712

C. Marcolli, B. P. Luo, Th. Peter, and F. G. Wienhold (2004)
Internal mixing of the organic aerosol by gas phase diffusion of semivolatile organic compounds
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4, 2593-2599, doi:10.5194/acp-4-2593-2004

O. Bujok, V. Tan, E. Klein, R. Nopper, R. Bauer, A. Engel, M.-T. Gerhards, A. Afchine, D. S. McKenna, U. Schmidt, F. G. Wienhold, and H. Fischer (2001)
GHOST – a novel airborne gas chromatograph for in situ measurements of long-lived tracers in the lower stratosphere 
J. Atmos. Chem., 39, 37–64, doi:10.1023/A:1010789715871

O. Matthews, H. Dittus, M. Wiegand, H. J. Rath, G. Schmidtke, F. Wienhold, and E. Neske (2000)
BREM-STAR and TIGER-STAR: A small satellite concept for thermospheric-ionospheric 3D monitoring
Phys. Cem. Earth. C, 25 (5­–6), 477–482, doi:10.1016/S1464-1917(00)00061-1

F. G. Wienhold, J. Anders, B. Galuska, U. Klocke, M. Knothe, W. J. Riedel, G. Schmidtke, R. Singler, U. Ulmer, and H. Wolf  (2000)
The Solar Package on ISS: SOL-ACES
Phys. Cem. Earth. C, 25 (5­–6), 473–476, doi:10.1016/S1464-1917(00)00060-X

J. Röpcke, L. Mechold, M. Käning, J. Anders, F. G. Wienhold, D. Nelson, and M. Zahniser (2000)
"IRMA", a tunable infrared multi-component acquisition system for plasma diagnostics
Rev. Sci. Instr., 71 (10), 3706–3710, doi:10.1063/1.1290041

H. Fischer, F. G. Wienhold, P. Hoor, O. Bujok, C. Schiller, P. Siegmund, M. Ambaum, H. A. Scheeren, and J. Lelieveld (2000)
Tracer correlations in the Arctic lower stratosphere: Influence of isentropic cross-tropopause mass exchange
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27 (1), 97–100, doi:10.1029/1999GL010879

A. E. Waibel, H. Fischer, F. G. Wienhold, P. C. Siegmund, B. Lee, J. Ström, J. Lelieveld, and P. J. Crutzen (1999)
Highly elevated carbon monoxide concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes during the STREAM II summer campaign in 1994
Chemosphere: Global Change Science1, 233–248, doi;10.1016/S1465-9972(99)00027-6  

J. Schneider, F. Arnold, J. Curtius, B. Sierau, H. Fischer, P. Hoor, F. G. Wienhold, U. Parchatka, Y. C. Zhang, H. Schlager, H. Ziereis, Ch. Feigl, P. Schulte, J. Lelieveld, and H. A. Scheeren (1999)
The temporal evolution of the ratio HNO3/NOy in the Arctic lower stratosphere from January to March 1997
Geophys. Res. Lett., 26 (8), 1125–1128, doi:10.1029/1999GL900184

T. Schilling, F.-J. Lübken, F. G. Wienhold, P. Hoor, and H. Fischer (1999)
TDLAS trace gas measurements within a mountain wave over northern Scandinavia during the POLSTAR campaign in early 1997
Geophys. Res. Lett., 26 (3), 303–306, DOI: doi:10.1029/1998GL900314

C. Schiller, A. Afchine, N. Eicke, C. Feigl, H. Fischer, A. Giez, P. Konopka, H. Schlager, F. Tuitjer, F. G. Wienhold, and M. Zöger (1999)
Ice particle formation and sedimentation in the tropopause region: A case study based on in-situ measurements of total water during POLSTAR 1997
Geophys. Res. Lett., 26 (14), 2219–2222, doi:10.1029/1999GL900337

F. G. Wienhold, H. Fischer, P. Hoor, V. Wagner, R. Königstedt, G. W. Harris, J. Anders, R. Grisar, M. Knothe, W. J. Riedel, F.-J. Lübken, and T. Schilling (1998)
TRISTAR – a tracer in-situ TDLAS for atmospheric research
Appl. Phys. B, 67, 411–417, DOI: doi:10.1007/s003400050524

M. O. Andreae, T. W. Andreae, H. Annegarn, F. Beer, H. Cachier, P. le Canut, W. Elbert,  W. Maenhout, I. Salma, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker (1998)
Airborne studies of aerosol emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa: 2. Aerosol chemical composition
J. Geophys. Res., 103 (D24), 32119–32128, doi:10.1029/98JD02280

H. Fischer, A. E. Waibel, M. Welling, F. G. Wienhold, T. Zenker, P. J. Crutzen, F. Arnold, V. Bürger, J. Schneider, A. Bregman, J. Lelieveld, and P. C. Siegmund (1997)
Observations of high concentrations of total reactive nitrogen (NOy) and nitric acid (HNO3) in the lower Arctic stratosphere during the STREAM II campaign in February 1995
J. Geophys. Res., 102 (D19) 23559–23571, doi:10.1029/97JD02012

F. G. Wienhold, H. Fischer, and G. W. Harris (1996)
Fast response tunable diode laser spectroscopy for trace gas flux measurements
Infrared Phys. Technol., 37, 67–74, doi:10.1016/1350-4495(95)00114-X

J. Roths, T. Zenker, U. Parchatka, F. G. Wienhold, and G. W. Harris (1996)
FLAIR, a four laser airborne infrared spectrometer for atmospheric trace-gas measurements
Appl. Opt., 35 (36), 7075–7084, doi:10.1364/AO.35.007075

P. le Canut, M. O. Andreae, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker (1996)
Airborne studies of emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa: 1. Aerosol emissions measured with a laser-optical particle counter
J. Geophys. Res., 101 (D19), 23615–23630, doi:10.1029/95JD02610

G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker (1996)
Airborne observations of strong biogenic NOx emissions from the Namibian savanna at the end of the dry season
J. Geophys. Res., 101 (D19), 23707–23711, doi:10.1029/96JD01278

K. J. Hargreaves, F. G. Wienhold, L. Klemedtsson, J. R. M. Arah, I. J. Beverland, D. Fowler,  B. Galle, D. W. T. Griffith, U. Skiba, K. A. Smith, M. Welling, and G. W. Harris (1996)
Measurement of nitrous oxide emission from agricultural land using micrometeorological methods
Atmos. Environ., 30 (10-11), 1563–1571, doi:10.1016/1352-2310(95)00468-8

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