Dr. Michael Armand Sprenger

Dr.  Michael Armand Sprenger

Dr. Michael Armand Sprenger

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich

Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima

CHN M 12.3

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

In my research on atmospheric dynamics, I am interested particularly in (i) mountain meteorology, (ii) atmospheric transport, (iii)  tropopause dynamics, and (iv) weather systems. Key topics in (i) mountain meteorology are north and south foehn, and other extreme wind events, e.g., the Laseyer wind storm in eastern Switzerland; (ii) the atmospheric transport includes for instance the study on stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE), i.e., the transport of atmospheric tracers (ozone, water vapour) across the dynamical tropopause; (iii) the identification of dynamical processes at the upper-troposphere/lower-stratosphere (UTLS), e.g. Rossby-wave breaking (RWB) and/or the origin of clear-air turbulence, are topics in the field of tropopause dynamics; finally, the focus of (iv) is on identifying and studying many weather systems of the mid-latitudes (cyclones, anticyclones, warm-conveyor belts, PV streamer and cutoffs, tropopause folds, fronts, troughs and ridges). I am interested in the study of single case studies (based on COSMO/ICON and/or ECMWF simulations), but also in the compilation of long-term climatologies of weather systems, e.g., based on ECMWF reanalysis products (ERA-Interim, ERA5) or in climate simulations (CESM). 

In  addition to studying the dynamics and climatology of distinct weather events, I also develop algorithms for meteorological diagnostics: Lagranto is a tool for Lagrangian (trajectory-based) analysis; objective weather-system identification and tracking includes the weather features mentioned above.... The suite of tools is available for several models, among them ECMWF, COSMO/ICON, CESM, WRF.

1. Curriculum Vitae

2. Research (Publications, Presentations)

3. Supervision of MSc and BSc theses

Course Catalogue

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