Highly cited researchers at IAC
Two professors of IAC have made it to the Highly Cited Researcher List of Thomson Reuters in 2016.
Nature Communications study presents extreme precipitation projections over Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria in East Africa is known to be stormy at night, with thousands of fishermen dying each year. A new study investigates the controls on extreme thunderstorms over the lake and projects their future change.
Topography modifies summer precipitation response to climate change
Past studies of European climate change have projected a large-scale drying for the summer season. A recent ensemble of high-resolution regional climate models confirms these results for Europe, but also projects increases in mean Alpine precipitation. In addition, the tendency towards heavier thunderstorms is confirmed.
Impacts of land-atmosphere interactions for changes in aridity index under global warming
Aridity as measured by the aridity index is projected to increase over land under global warming. So far, the main focus has been on influences of the warming ocean and atmospheric processes in driving these changes. New results from global climate model simulations identify land-atmosphere interactions as additional important drivers for this tendency in climate change projections.
ECMWF appoints Heini Wernli as new Fellow
ECMWF has appointed Professor Heini Wernli from the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich to three-year Fellowship. Professor Heini Wernli has been selected because of the outstanding quality of his scientific work and his relevance to ECMWF’s strategic goal of improving forecast skill in the medium and extended range.