
List of IAC events of the upcoming 100 days. Please click on the date to download external page iCalendar link

Please note: Students are welcome to attend group meetings. Externals please check with speaker or group leaders. Everyone is very welcome to attend our Colloquia & Seminars

Tue 25.03.25 13:15 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1

Near-future rocket launches could slow ozone recovery

Thu 27.03.25 14:00 - Extraordinary Seminar - MeteoSwiss, Zurich Airport, OPC 1, Room 5-331

Numerical Weather Prediction with Accurate Land-Use Datasets: A Comparison of CORINE and GlobCover in the ICON Model  more info

Fri 28.03.25 13:00 - Young Scientist Lunch - CHN L 17.1

Studying the Atmospheres of Distant Worlds — The ESA Ariel Space Mission  more info

Mon 31.03.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Mapping urban air: detecting, reporting and managing trends in urban CO2 emissions

Tue 01.04.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Thu 03.04.25 17:00 - Ice Nucleation Colloquium - Zoom

Why should we care about the choice of ice nucleation parameterizations? Examples from the laboratory and field and modeling studies

Mon 07.04.25 11:00 - 2nd PhD Interview - CHN L 17.1

Synchronous natural vegetation fires in Europe: occurrences, driving processes, future changes and exposure

Mon 07.04.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

The World Radiation Center: Establishing traceability for Earth surface radiation budget measurements

Tue 08.04.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Thu 10.04.25 14:00 - Extraordinary Seminar - MeteoSwiss, Zurich Airport, OPC 1, Room 5-331

The Role of Wind to Estimate Airplane Approach Times  more info

Fri 11.04.25 10:00 - Extraordinary Seminar - CHN L 17.1

Exploring climate stabilisation under net zero emissions  more info

Mon 14.04.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Climate interventions and clouds – what happens at the microscale?

Tue 22.04.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Fri 25.04.25 13:00 - Young Scientist Lunch - CHN L 17.1

EGU practise talks  more info

Fri 25.04.25 15:30 - PhD Defense - LEE E 101

Spatiotemporal Forecasting of Surface Solar Irradiance Fields based on MeteoSat Images

Mon 05.05.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Five years of research about extreme seasons – what did we learn?

Tue 06.05.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Wed 07.05.25 14:00 - Extraordinary Seminar - CHN L 17.1

Understanding the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall, Deep Convection, and Heavy Rainfall in the Western Maritime Continent

Fri 09.05.25 13:00 - Young Scientist Lunch - CHN L 17.1

TBA  more info

Mon 12.05.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Utilizing Mesoscale Cloud Morphology Regimes to Understand Forcing and Feedback

Tue 13.05.25 13:00 - PhD Defense - LEE E101

Hailstorms in high-resolution weather and climate simulations

Tue 13.05.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Mon 19.05.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Today's snow and tomorrow's water: a voyage through scales

Tue 20.05.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Fri 23.05.25 13:00 - Young Scientist Lunch - CHN L 17.1
to be announced
End of Term Special  more info

Mon 26.05.25 16:15 - Kolloquium - CAB G 11

Straight-Line Winds and Climate Change: An Intensifying Relationship

Tue 27.05.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Tue 03.06.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Tue 10.06.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Tue 17.06.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


Tue 24.06.25 13:30 - Groupmeeting - CHN L 17.1


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