Climate Physics (Prof. Reto Knutti)
The Climate Physics group, led by Prof. Reto Knutti, has its focus on climate modeling, uncertainty and probability of climate change, the use of observations to constrain climate feedback, atmospheric and oceanic variability, and extreme events.
- List of group members
- More information about our research
- List of publications
- Open Bachelor's and Master's thesis projects

Climate physics group, Spring 2022: (top - from left to right) Sebastian Sippel, Urs Beyerle, Reto Knutti, Joel Küttel, Iris de Vries, Jitendra Singh, Erich Fischer, Vincent Humphrey, Joel Zeder, Claudia Gessner (bottom) Clara Steller, Cyril Brunner, Marius Egli, Luna Bloin-Wibe, Anna Merrifield, Gergana Gyuleva, Donghe Zhu und Muriel Trüeb.